Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Too much fun!

I couldn't resist editing a few more images. This is a cascade of all the rings that I took photos of today. You can't really make out any details but that was the point...just a waterfall of silver. I did take other photos and the next one will show more detail of the stacking rings. I've made two sizes to start with. I'm going to have to move on from the simple bands though and set some with gems. They were just fun to experiment with. I never really thought about making rings that much until I took a class with Barrie. She taught me how to bezel set stones and I've been experimenting since. She is truly the queen of bezel settings and she's been generous with her knowledge. I take private lessons from her now and although some days we spend more time chatting than doing I still come away from there having learned a lot.

This is the second photo I was referring to...you can see the patterns a little better on this. I was having trouble setting them up and taking them one at a time just seemed boring. I love to beach comb for rocks, shells and driftwood when I'm on the beach. The rings are on a mussel shell, found when Fred and I went to Long Beach on the west side of Vancouver Island. We found this wonderful little beach, if you would call it that, and it was almost entirely made up of mussel shells that had been tumbled by countless tides. I was like a kid in a candy store! So the stones and such that are collected become a backdrop for the jewellery that I love making. I think it's rather appropriate since they are from places that I take such inspiration from.

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