I am often asked if I have a website and I do...it's under construction for a whole new look. I'll be sure to post the unveiling. So this is a solution to the in-between-stage of my website.
At this moment I don't have any photos to post. My plan was to take them today but I got busy making jewellery, so it may have to wait until next weekend. The week is busy with working three days a week at my day job, teaching two evening classes and teaching privately at home. I am enjoying every (well almost) moment of it.
I also have to get busy this week to prepare the workshops that I'm teaching at the Fraser Valley Bead Show. Lise, one of the key organizers of the show sent an email with a gentle but firm request for the information. Barrie Edwards, founder of the FVBS encouraged me to teach a workshop last year. It was the enthusiastic support and responses to the classes that really launched my teaching 'career'. It was also the encouragement of family and friends that helped push me out of my comfort zone.
Anyways more another time, I'm just happy to have made my first post to the blog. It felt like such a responsibility to write something meaningful but then I realized it's supposed to be fun! Meaningful can come at another time. :-)